Love this. Guns should be regulated the same way cars are regulated. An annual saftey inspection and an updated entry in the registration database. If anyone thinks there isn’t a list of legal gun owners available to the authorities they’re delusional. Public or restricted access, I don’t care as long as people show up with all of their ‘registered’ guns and prove they still have control over them.
The list that is missing is the list of illegal gun owners and that list grows larger every day because there’s no accountability placed on the legal owners to prove they have control over their property.
Sure if your gun is stolen you might report it but if you sell it to someone privately (which is legal in most states without a background check), well you just don’t know if that person should or should not be allowed to own a gun and you have no idea who they will re-sell it to, etc. etc. until it ultimately ends up in the hands of criminals.
With no check on this process of legal guns becoming illegal guns… you get present day America.