How American Economic Policies lead to a Populist UprisingJust a quick theory on how we got to where we are today over the last 30 years. It’s a sketch of history and not intended to be accurate…Oct 19, 2016Oct 19, 2016
My CollectionStuff to read — mostly futurism that will be dated in a year or two, unless it’s prescient in which case, lucky you, you got to read about…Sep 7, 2016Sep 7, 2016
Predicting Trust in a Diverse CultureI’d like to talk about how we react to the unfamiliar, the foreign, the other. These are thoughts on why some people have such a hard time…Nov 19, 2015Nov 19, 2015
Towards a parametric universeIn the future everything will be designed to be reactive.May 26, 2015May 26, 2015
Balsamiq Mockups 3, you’re dead to me.Alas, poor Balsamiq! I knew it, Internet; a tool of infinite use, of most excellent fancy; it hath borne me on it’s back a thousand times…May 5, 20155May 5, 20155
DELIGHTFULLY EASYUX/Designers, Coders and Marketers need to stop messing around.Mar 20, 2015Mar 20, 2015
“My” Internet of ThingsAre today’s devices connected? Sure. Are they smart yet? You decide.Feb 13, 2015Feb 13, 2015
This is BalanceLife — a constant state of entropy centered around a few key focal points some call strange attractors, requires balance.Nov 21, 2014Nov 21, 2014
How to leverage experience in data driven decision makingINTUITION AND ANALYTICS CAN WORK TOGETHERJul 18, 2014Jul 18, 2014